Get out of your comfort zone and take big but well calculated risks

Like many entrepreneurs, I like to catch up with my reading on the weekend. On my list was a great interview article with one of my personal entrepreneurial heroines, Tabitha Karanja, founder and ceo of Keroche Breweries in Kenya. If ever there was an example of a woman entrepreneur here in Africa who not only dreamed big, but had the courage and the tenacity to take on an established industry monopoly that was over 85 years old in the process, then Tabitha Karanja is it. She had to fight battles in court, in the marketplace, and on the floor of Parliament, to build a game-changing business that gave local consumers the right to have a choice of products in the marketplace - and she won, repeatedly! Not only that, she demonstrated that it’s also possible to perfect the art of juggling personal life and business brand building in the process, raising four children and maintaining a successful personal relationship along the way. Today, thanks to her ‘never give up’ attitude and her ability to never let go of that dream, Keroche Breweries is the second largest brewery in Kenya and the fastest growing brewing enterprise on the African continent. So, what are her five top tips for success? She says, focus and hard work; getting out of the comfort zone and taking big but well calculated risks; belief and faith in self; humility; and trust in God. Words to inspire this morning!