Digital evolution and entrepreneurship go hand in hand

Digital evolution and global entrepreneurship are intertwined. Countries that are highly digitally evolved tend to have well-developed entrepreneurship ecosystems - just look at the East Asian countries of Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, and Malaysia, which all have more evolved digital ecosystems and a strong entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship and digital growth appear to be correlated. Digital technology has the potential to transform the very way we lead our lives. It pervades everyday life at home, at work, at school, in our leisure time. Today more than one-third of all people around the globe are connected as a result of this digital age, which is transforming every aspect of the way people live - economically, politically, socially, and culturally. Here in Africa, there is no doubt that digital technology changes how people live, how they share knowledge, and how they create, produce, distribute, and consume. It changes how citizens communicate with policymakers and how nations create wealth. This digital entrepreneurial economy, with its many different business models, will be at the heart of tomorrow’s most successful economies on the African continent.