Manage your stress levels, it’s good for business

Do you ever get the feeling that as an entrepreneur you are constantly looking at time in monetary terms, trying to squeeze the most out of every minute in the day because to a small business time really does represent money? Well, you are definitely not alone it seems, according to a new study by Stanford Graduate School of Business, but this approach to life comes at a cost. The study found that when you put a monetary value to your time, your stress levels automatically increase - by on average around 25% - that’s a big spike in stress in your life each day. And it appears that it also influences our thoughts around getting essential work/life balance. Those who constantly measure their time in monetary terms experience greater difficulty switching to relax mode, making it harder to do simple things like enjoying time with family and friends without constant clock watching. The bottom line is that it’s not good for our health and wellbeing, which means that it’s also not good for our business. The report contrasts the different approach taken in Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Spain, where those running businesses also take very long lunch breaks each day to relax, meet people, eat great food and just recharge the batteries to prepare for the rest of the day ahead. They also have some of the longest life expectancies and lower stress levels. Something to think about!