The overnight success is a myth!

We’ve all heard about the entrepreneur overnight success stories that apparently happen to the lucky few - and we like the idea of it. But in reality, it’s just a myth. For entrepreneurs there’s no such thing as an overnight success! It takes years of hard work, tough times, sacrifice, and so much more, before all that effort hopefully pays off. Read the interviews with entrepreneurial legends such as Richard Branson and Elon Musk, to name but a few, and they will talk about the years of failure and frustration before success was achieved. An overnight success in reality takes around 7 to 10 years to actually happen - if you are lucky! It’s something to remember during those difficult times in our business journeys. Even the most successful entrepreneurs have been through similar tough experiences. They know that the road to success comes from navigating the ups and downs, and being in it for the long haul. As Leo Tolstoy once said, “Great achievements take time, there is no overnight success.”