Family businesses know the key to success

So here’s an interesting fact! Did you know that most businesses in the world are family businesses, and that’s certainly the case in the US, where most small businesses are family businesses and, to the surprise of many, most large businesses are also family businesses. You may never have heard of them because they tend not to be traded publicly, and they do not go out of their way to advertise who owns these companies. But strong families and values are behind their success. In these businesses, the family relationship is as vital to the success of most companies as any other factor. So why are family firms more productive than their non-family owned peers?  Well, it seems one key reason is that family owned firms tend to see not only higher employee engagement levels from staff, but as a result of this, they also secure higher productivity levels as well. There is a personal connection between employees and a family owned brand where the founders live the vision and mission of the business and set the right example for everyone to feel part of.