Focus on what produces the biggest results

Much has been written about the 80-20 Principle - the idea that with the right focus, 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the effort. In business, if you can successfully apply this approach to your sales generation activity, this means that 80 percent of the sales should come from 20 percent of the customers. The trick is to hone your efforts and concentrate your time on what will bring the biggest results, and this doesn’t necessarily mean working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instead, it’s about focusing on what is working, identifying those tasks and activities that are producing the results, and scaling those activities. Remember some of the principles outlined in Tim Ferris’ book 4 Hour Work Week? The book talks about the secret to business success coming from expending quality time on highly focused activity, rather than quantity time on multiple tasks that dilute the outcome. Just identify what efforts are producing the biggest results and then formulate your sales plan to maximize the approach.