Start your day with a great routine

Have you noticed how often the quality of your day is determined by how it starts? Chances are that if you kickstart your day in a frenzy of stressful activity, then the rest of the day will follow suit. Talk to some of the most successful women entrepreneurs around the world and they will tell you that putting the right morning routine in place is good for wellbeing and productivity. So, what does your morning look like? Maybe it’s a whirlwind of getting yourself and your family dressed, breakfasted and ready for the day before hitting the traffic queues to get to the school run and office? Perhaps it starts off more calmly with meditation, exercise, a healthy breakfast and tea. Or maybe you are one of those entrepreneurs who catches up on emails, social media posts and online news streaming whilst sitting over your croissants and a double espresso. And while there’s no “right” way to starting your day, there do seem to be some commonalities when speaking to women entrepreneurs about their morning routines. Firstly, don’t skip breakfast and secondly, do at least one thing that makes you happy, whether that’s taking the dog for a walk, putting your earbuds in and going for a jog, taking a relaxing bath, or reading the morning newspapers. Life’s too short not to start each day with a great routine.