Entrepreneurship is the path out of poverty for many women in Africa

I was watching various global news channels this weekend, catching up on events around the world, and there was one consistent theme emerging. In a fast changing world, where economies are going through considerable challenges and nothing is certain, particularly in the corporate world, to thrive you need to take control of your own destiny. It’s a world where you can’t count on big companies for a job. It’s a world where increasingly, we need to create our own jobs, and through our successful businesses, create jobs for others just like us. In Africa, the way out of poverty for many women where jobs are a scarce commodity is through entrepreneurship. By leveraging personal skills and identifying a gap in the market, women can take control of their economic futures. The challenge is to help more of these women opportunity entrepreneurs to create prosperous and sustainable businesses, so that they support not only themselves, but also contribute to the growth of their communities and their countries.