You are your own best cheerleader

How many of you reading this article this morning can remember one of those conversations with a close friend or loving family member who asks you if you have made the right decision, becoming an entrepreneur? My guess is the majority of you will have experienced such questions at some time or other. It is usually when you are going through tough times, when cashflow and customers dry up, or when you have not had a holiday or a weekend off in months or years! At times like these, you need to become your own best cheerleader. Remember that being an entrepreneur is always challenging, it can indeed be stressful, and it will test your resilience a lot of the time. However, on those days when things do go right, when you win that new contract or client, and when your new product or service is launched and clients love it, then you remember why you embarked on this crazy journey in the first place. 

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie