Are you tracking your success?

As any successful entrepreneur will tell you, it’s not enough to simply keep growing in business (although that’s always a good thing!). It’s also important to keep tracking your growth trajectory, to keep monitoring what’s working and why, and to continually learn and fine-tune things as you go. Tracking your success also keeps you motivated during those times when things might not be going quite so well. By having a clear set of metrics on how the business is performing week on week, it helps you to set targets to maintain growth, and importantly, to put in place remedial measures or new marketing initiatives if they are needed. From a personal perspective as a founding entrepreneur, tracking your success is also good for maintaining motivation and momentum. We all know how tough it can be to build a business, and there will be times when things don’t go as well as we hope. Perhaps that much anticipated big deal doesn’t come through, or a new product that carried high hopes for success doesn’t connect with customers in the way you anticipated. This is where tracking your success to date can give you a boost and keep you going.