Get used to being uncomfortable as an entrepreneur

Who ever said that life as an entrepreneur was a comfortable choice? Making the decision to embark on building a business and a brand, creating products and services that can disrupt the marketplace and make a difference, often means regularly sacrificing comfort by stepping out of your box. It can be a brave move with considerable sacrifices along the way, but on the plus side, it means you don’t have to be like others who have gone before you, accepting the way things are done or slotting into a particular notion of what an entrepreneur should be. You have the ability to create who you want to become and how you want to build a business that is unique to you. Stepping out of the box means trying different things without fear; experimenting first and implementing second; improving on what exists; constantly learning and being open to change; being an innovator not a perfectionist; sharing ideas to keep things moving; and always rewriting the rules to encourage new ideas to emerge. It may not be all that comfortable when you take this approach, but who said that being an entrepreneur and stepping out of the box of convention comes with a comfort factor. Oprah Winfrey said: “I have created a life by stepping out of the box of other people’s limitations. I call it zigging with others are zagging.” A great way of looking at life as an entrepreneur.