Know and leverage your strengths in business

Well-known author and entrepreneur, Sallie Krawcheck (read her book Own It: The Power of Women at Work) believes that the qualities women inherently bring to the world of business are exactly what make them great entrepreneurs in the world. From managing risk and complexity to seeing things holistically and focusing on the long term, Krawcheck says women are in a better place than ever to harness these abilities in the entrepreneurial world. These insights are supported in the latest Hiscox DNA of an Entrepreneur Report which found that the top three attributes associated with being a woman entrepreneur are the abilities to promote their businesses, to delegate, and to be patient - a winning combination. The study also found that women have an inherent sense of independence: 48 percent of women are the sole employee of their businesses, while only 37 percent of men can say the same. Women are also playing to their strengths through the types of business sectors they choose to enter. So if you want to get ahead in business, it makes sense to know and leverage your unique strengths - they could be your best assets.