Why virtual teams may keep small businesses agile and competitive

There’s no doubt about it, for today’s startups technology is the big game-changer, particularly when it comes to building teams of specialists who can deliver a wide range of services and solutions. No longer is it necessary to incur big overhead expenses with high-cost offices filled with lots of people. Instead the trend is towards the shared economy, with remote working and virtual teams providing startups with access to specialist expertise from like-minded, entrepreneurially thinking people, without the need to be in one location. So how do you make virtual team building work for you? It’s all about encouraging connectivity, productivity, and a sense of ownership in the company. As a business owner, you need to open up effective communication channels with your virtual team members, making them feel a genuine part of the business. To ensure productivity is maximized and managed effectively at all times, choose one of the great project management apps available in the marketplace - it means you are on top of everyone’s workflow. Schedule regular but quick virtual update meetings, to ensure you have some good team face-time and a check-in on deliverables. And finally, make sure your systems and processes are in place to help your virtual team members structure their deliverables. Happy virtual team building!