Take your opportunities when you can

I am often asked what inspires me personally, and I have to say that in answer to this question, waking up to a new day full of possibility inspires me the most. The pandemic has made me value every day as an opportunity, another chance to make a difference. So each new day, I am inspired anew, and I embrace it with both hands and I hope an open heart too. I like to think of myself as a proactive can-do person, so each morning when I look at the day that lies ahead of me, I am excited at what can be achieved. I know this is an attitude that I share with so many of my fellow women entrepreneurs across the African continent and the world. Over the years, I have also come to appreciate that really great opportunities don’t come along every day, so it’s important to seize them when they do and to make the most of them. After all, isn’t that what being proactive is all about? I also think that by fully embracing the unexpected opportunities that come along, it can open up completely different and exciting journeys for us as entrepreneurs. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, introduces new people to our lives, and takes us to different places or ways of doing things. Going forward, my approach to life and business is to constantly be open to new opportunities, to be proactive and embrace new ideas, and to seek out interesting, like-minded people who want to be part of my journey.

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! — Melanie