Regain your perspective through nature

We all need those life-affirming routines in our busy entrepreneurial lives that allow us the time and space to reflect and get some much needed perspective. For me, it’s my daily, early morning walk in the park with my husband, watching the sun rise over the lake, and getting closer to nature that helps me to get perspective. There is nothing quite like it! Sitting with my cup of tea in a favourite spot by the water, observing the wildlife, watching people walking their dogs or going about their daily exercise routines. Just getting closer to nature, finding that precious time to stop and reflect on where I am in my life and in the business. It’s so important to press the pause button each day, and nature has a way of allowing us to do that. To remind us of our place in the universe, and that the problems we might be dealing with may seem big at the time, but in the bigger scheme of things, there is always a solution. So if you find yourself in need of some perspective, I can highly recommend reconnecting with nature - it works for me!

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! — Melanie