Build that personal brand

Take a moment to think about the women entrepreneurs who inspire you most. And then take a look at how they successfully build and manage not only their businesses, but also their personal brands. Often we put all our energies and resources into building our businesses to the exclusion of everything else, forgetting that the road to success is also dependent on us, as founders. Our own personal brands can be a real and valuable asset to our businesses, yet they often get overshadowed by our company brand building activities.  As American Express OPEN CEO BootCamp ambassador Katie Bressack says, "It takes time, energy and focus to truly create a personal brand. Entrepreneurs must not only become experts in a particular field or subject; they must also be able to sell themselves by creating their own unique value." So if you haven’t started to take your personal brand building seriously, it could be time. After all, it’s what sets you apart from your competitors. 

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie