You just have to make a decision and go!

I was chatting to one of the women entrepreneurs in our Diaspora network in New York this week about knowing when the right time is to launch a new business, or venture into a totally new area of business, or launch a completely different product into a new  marketplace, and how scary a prospect that can be. I shared with her some insights from a great interview I had been reading with Jane Rosenthal who is the co-founder of the fabulous Tribeca Film Festival (together with acting legend Robert de Niro). She has a great approach which centres around knowing when to trust your instincts. She says: “What personal traits or strategies do you rely on to create opportunity for yourself and others? For me, it is to trust my own instincts and to not give in to the doubting voices that are always on my shoulder. It's looking at pros, cons and intangibles. Then you have to just make a decision and go.” It’s a great approach to take, in business and in life.

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie