Stress is a choice

Here’s a fact that might surprise you - stress is a choice. The latest research suggests that as human beings, our emotional response to certain situations dictates whether we feel stressed or not. And we choose that response, so it seems that many of us are unconsciously choosing to be stressed. Here’s how to change our approach to stress. Firstly, tell yourself that stress is not real, it’s your mind that is responding negatively to a situation. If you are feeling overwhelmed, change your perspective by releasing all your negative thoughts and emotions, then look at the situation again with clarity. Secondly, take a step back from any challenge or difficult situation and look at it with a fresh perspective. Thirdly, if you are dealing with a stressful situation, take back your power by focusing on the positive outcome you would like to achieve, not on the possible negative outcomes. Your wellbeing and your business will thank you for not choosing stress in your life.