5 things I'm currently doing to keep my anxiety in check

by Abigail K, Confidence Crusader, Women’s Portrait Photographer, Founder of Confident Creative Academy

In this video I'm sharing 5 things I'm currently doing to keep my anxiety in check.

We can't control everything going on around us, but we can control how we show up every day. I'm sharing the 5 things I'm doing to help me keep my anxiety about the corona virus down and keep my confidence up.

To recap, if you can’t be arsed to watch the full video…

How I’m staying confident during corona virus

1. Morning routine

Doing the I’M A GIVER morning routine every day. Get the free PDF for the 8 step morning routine I use.

2. Not watching/listening/reading the news

They are paid to scare us and we’re buying into it! We always have. Now’s the time to boycott sensationalist news. No more reactive information gathering.

3. Seeking out factual information

If I need information, I do the work of researching factual information. Going straight to the source – doing proactive information gathering

4. Staying connected

Even though we’re having to keep ourselves more isolated than normal, I’m ramping up my efforts to stay connected online. With family and friends, with my community over at the Academy, and with new clients and prospects. Now’s the time to proactively get connected with the right people.

5. Getting creative

This is an opportunity for us to shift how we do business, and I’m already imagining ways to shape and restructure my business. Now that it’s a necessity, I’m exploring options, brainstorming and taking action on more sustainable business models.

How are you coping?

What are you doing to keep your confidence up and your anxiety down?


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Abigail K is a specialist women’s portrait photographer, speaker, course creator and all round Confidence Crusader. She believes that every woman has an obligation to themselves & to the women in their lives to show up as their most confident self. This world needs more feminine input, influence & impact, & confidence is the key to helping women show up in a more significant way. Abigail hopes if nothing else, that a single confident women standing tall offers proof & permission for a wave of women to begin their own confidence crusade.

Website | Instagram | YouTube Channel | Abigail's Startup Story

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