Don’t be afraid of the unknown, write your own future

When you first start out on your entrepreneurial journey, there is so much that is unknown. You have a germ of an idea that you think could make for a great business; you have endless passion and enthusiasm for what you are planning to do; and you have determination to make it work. But the fact is, there are so many unknowns, and for many young startups this can be a little daunting and pretty scary. So it’s good to get some perspective when things seem a bit overwhelming. Remember that the unknown is not something to fear, instead simply look at it as an opportunity to experience things that are new to you. There will be plenty of challenges, but also opportunities to be seized with an open mind. There will be stumbling blocks and you will make mistakes along the way, but you will learn from each and every one of them, and the experiences will make you stronger and wiser. You will meet so many new people along the way, some will be your greatest supporters, others will not, but you will be enriched as a result of each of those encounters. Your journey to building a business is one long learning curve, and yes there will be lots of unknowns along the way - but instead of seeing them as something to fear, instead see them as steps to be climbed as you write your own entrepreneurial future. As the well-known motivational speaker and author, Steve Rizzo, said: “If you let fear of the unknown stop you from taking chances, you will stifle your true potential.” Something to think about this morning!