Restlessness in business can propel you forward

Have you noticed a particular trait that is shared amongst the most successful entrepreneurs? They seem to display an inner restlessness, a desire to never stay still, never sitting back and just enjoying their success. They seem to always be on a mission to strive to improve, or create the next innovation, or find another solution to a key challenge. Over the years, this restlessness has always propelled entrepreneurship and innovation forward. It usually reflects a need to make a difference or an impact. Often this restlessness is personally motivated, with entrepreneurs getting frustrated with the status quo, and indeed, there are usually very personal and passion driven stories  behind many successful social or business ventures. So if you feel you are getting stuck in your business or in your life, and feel a little restless, then harness that inner restless dissatisfaction and those feelings and use them to propel your business and your life in a new direction.