Are your business meetings costing too much time

It’s estimated that big business loses an incredible US$ 75 million a year due to unproductive meetings that absorb too much time on the part of all those attending them, and those arranging them behind the scenes. And, it’s not just a big business problem - it’s the same for small businesses, even more so because a small business cannot afford to spend time and effort on activities that do not add real value and return on time investment. The trick is to get smarter with those meetings that really do have to be done. For example, ask yourself the question; “can this meeting be done remotely and online instead of in-person?” Online meetings are inevitably shorter (much shorter) and achieve the same result, with no wasted travel time and no need for longer, drawn out meetings simply because everyone has taken the time to travel there. Today, it’s all about organising smart meetings that deliver on objectives but don’t use up valuable time.