Get your personal brand working for you

Ask yourself this question - when was the last time you took a close look at your company’s brand and thought about revamping it or giving it a much-needed refresh to keep it relevant and dynamic? Chances are it was quite recently, as entrepreneurs are mindful of the importance of maintaining a strong brand in the marketplace. But ask yourself another question - when was the last time you thought about updating your personal brand as the driver of your business? It’s important to remember that our personal brands should be just as dynamic and ever changing to respond to where we are on our particular business and life building journeys. Also, our personal brands are the most important ones we will ever build, as they underpin everything else we do. They help us to connect with customers, partners and influencers; they help us to gain an audience for our thoughts, opinions and insights; they help us to be taken seriously; and they help us to be seen as experts and leaders in our field. So if you want to gain the edge in your business, work on your personal brand, it could be the most important investment you make.