Goodbye glass ceiling, hello entrepreneurship!

Interestingly, women’s entrepreneurship still lags behind their male counterparts in all but seven countries in the world. The fact is, if women’s labor participation were closer to that of men, it would contribute a trillion dollars to GDP in emerging economies. Women led businesses are key to this opportunity. On the flip side, what is really interesting about this trend is that women are increasingly seeing entrepreneurship as a compelling alternative to the corporate world - particularly millennials. They see that entrepreneurial activity creates real growth and prosperity — and importantly, solutions to address lingering social problems. And today’s trends show that women will be a driving force of entrepreneurial growth in the future. Smart companies around the world are watching this trend closely. In the US, Coca-Cola sees 5 million women entrepreneurs entering its global supply chain by 2020. WalMart is harnessing the power of women entrepreneurs to innovate compelling new products. In fact, all companies should realize that in the war for talent, women are increasingly seeing entrepreneurship as a compelling alternative if a career path appears stunted. So, goodbye glass ceiling, and hello entrepreneurship!