Find your inner desire

There is a great saying that goes, ‘ Motivation without desire is hollow’, and as we all know in the world of entrepreneurship, motivation is a critical factor for success. But it can often be hard to stay motivated during those difficult, energy draining and stressful times (and we all have those in business), when we try and keep everyone around us motivated, but as founders, who does the same for us? Is there a secret to staying the course when the going gets tough? Well, according to many successful entrepreneurs out there, one of the best ways of keeping those motivation levels high is to find your desire. And it’s not necessarily a desire simply to make money, although every entrepreneur wants to have cash in the bank. It’s more about finding that inner desire that drives you - your motivation could be to give your children a secure future; or to retire young so that you can do the things you really want to do; or to leave a business legacy for your family. Remembering that inner desire that made you want to become an entrepreneur in the first place will keep you motivated through even the roughest of times.

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie