Our community thrives on exchanging stories and news of exciting CoLABS by Africa's women entrepreneurs across the fashion, design, service and product space. We would love to feature your CoLAB story - it's easy to do! Just complete the 2 steps below and we'll connect your story to hundreds of thousands of readers.

  1. Please complete the CoLAB submission form below.

  2. Please send us photos of your CoLAB story by following the instructions below this form.


CoLAB Story Submission Form


CoLAB Photo Submission


Here's how to send your photos to us:

  • You should send photos to include with your CoLAB story. These should include photos of the product, service or event; and also photos of the founders and team involved.
  • Photos must be be in JPEG or PNG format.
  • Include your name or your company name in the photo file names.
  • Use a service called WeTransfer to send us your photo files - it's a FREE and easy to use online service. Access this service here: 
  • Attach your photo files to WeTransfer and send them to our email address:
  • It's as easy as that! And, remember to keep checking back to see your CoLAB story published on our website and social media channels.